Black-striped Longhorn Beetle
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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Marbled White

Small Beings – Big Responsibility No. 226

Marbled White

This image belongs to my project "Small Beings – Big Responsibility"

Find detailed information about this species Marbled White and many interesting stories and facts on


Feel the pulse of arthropod life: Captivating visuals, emotional narratives, and insights that foster a commitment to safeguarding biological diversity. Let’s enter the fascinating realm of small beings, a world that, in its sheer simplicity, holds enormous significance. Our mission? To raise awareness of biodiversity and the vast value of life. We take you into a microcosm that is often overlooked but plays a central role in the ecosystem.

Exposure Details

publish month: March 2024 ~ publish year: 2024
shot on: Friday, July 9, 2021

More of this series

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Marbled White
Marbled White
Marbled white
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