Kleine Wesen - große Verantwortung

Das Projekt “Kleine Wesen – große Verantwortung” soll die Herzen der Menschen für das Thema Schutz des Lebens und der Biodiversität höher schlagen lassen. Mit faszinierenden Bildern, wissenschaftlichen Hintergründen und informativen Texten sowie faszinierenden Geschichten möchte ich die Bedeutung des Artenschutzes und des damit verbundenen Klimaschutzes näherbringen. Makrobilder vermitteln die verborgene Schönheit dieser winzigen und zerbrechlichen Welt auf berührende Weise und sachliche Informationen versuchen korrekt zu sein, ohne den Anspruch eines Nachschlagewerks zu erheben.

English: Small Beings – BIG Responsibility

The project “Small Beings – Big Responsibility” aims to inspire people’s interest in the protection of life and biodiversity. With fascinating images, scientific background and informative texts, as well as captivating stories, the importance of species protection and the associated climate protection should be brought closer to the hearts of people. Macro images convey the hidden beauty of this tiny and fragile world in an emotionally touching way, while factual information tries to be correct without claiming to be a reference work.

Oedemera virescens
Common Carpet Beetle
Marbled White
Tapered Drone Fly
Saxon Wasp
Tapered Drone Fly
Sulphur Beetle
Tapered Drone Fly
Spongy Moth
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Common Nettle Flower Bug
banded rhopalid
acorn weevil
Common Pollen Beetle
Common Nettle Flower Bug
banded rhopalid
Dicyphus errans
European Firebug
European Firebug
Cylindromyia brassicaria
Copper Sun Jumper
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Sloe Bug
Oedemera femorata
Cylindromyia brassicaria
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Oedemera femorata
Oedemera femorata
monoceros beetle
Tachina fera
Dolichoderus quadripunctatus
Dasytes plumbeus
Dasytes aeratus
Dasytes aeratus
Dolichoderus quadripunctatus
Garden Hammock Spider
Byturus ochraceus
Goldenrod Crab Spider
Common Pollen Beetle
Synophropsis lauri
Calocoris affinis
Marmalade Hover Fly
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Western Honey Bee
Goldenrod Crab Spider
Rough-Haired Lagria Beetle
Goldenrod Crab Spider
Lesser House Fly
Privet Leafhopper
Rampion Scissor Bee
Rampion Scissor Bee
Mediterranean Spotted Chafer
Variable Duskyface Fly
Trivittate Marsh Fly
Common Flesh Fly
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle
Trivittate Marsh Fly
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle
Rampion Scissor Bee
European Paper Wasp
Chrysis ignita
European Paper Wasp
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Marmalade Hover Fly
Garden Bumble Bee
Common Pollen Beetle
Bugloss' Lace Bug
Western Honey Bee
Golden Digger Wasp
European Peacock Butterfly
Ferruginous Bee-Grabber
red-spotted plant bug
Ferruginous Bee-Grabber
Ferruginous Bee-Grabber
Common Pollen Beetle
European Paper Wasp
Garden Hammock Spider
Closterotomus biclavatus
Western Honey Bee
Western Honey Bee
Mediterranean Spotted Chafer
Western Honey Bee
Common Pollen Beetle
Western Honey Bee
Ferruginous Bee-Grabber
Mediterranean Spotted Chafer
Garden Bumble Bee
Alfalfa Plant Bug
Western Honey Bee
Silver Y
Alfalfa Plant Bug
Western Honey Bee
Western Honey Bee
Mint beetle
Calocoris affinis
Western Honey Bee
Calocoris affinis
Wheat Bulb Fly
Bronze furrow bee
Marmalade Hover Fly
Bronze furrow bee
Bronze furrow bee
Marmalade Hover Fly
Marmalade Hover Fly
Clytra laeviuscula
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
10-spot Ladybird
Asian Lady Beetle
European Firebug
European Firebug
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Water Ladybird
European Striped Shield Bug
Asian Lady Beetle
Pine Ladybird
Box Bug
Western Conifer Seed Bug
Alder Spittlebug
Box Bug
Small Barred Longhorn
Common Darter
Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug
Small Barred Longhorn
Western Conifer Seed Bug
16-spot Ladybird
red-spotted plant bug
Olibrus bicolor
Castor Bean Tick
Olibrus bicolor
Issus coleoptratus
Dark Bush-cricket
chequered click beetle
Black Garden Ant
Black Garden Ant
Pill Woodlice
Black Garden Ant
Tanbark Borer
Black-shouldered Shieldbug
European Rhinoceros Beetle
Tanbark Borer
Common Rough Woodlouse
Wood Cricket
Box Bug
European Rhinoceros Beetle
European Earwig
Round-backed Millipedes
European Rhinoceros Beetle
Common Striped Woodlouse
Common Striped Woodlouse
Wood Cricket
European Earwig
Labidostomis longimana
Common Rough Woodlouse
Marsh Damsel Bug
Marsh Damsel Bug
Silver Y
Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug
Anaspis frontalis
Clover Seed Moth
Pea Aphid
Forest Cockroach
Grass Flies
Grass Flies
Western Conifer Seed Bug
Common Pollen Beetle
Common Pollen Beetle
Oedemera lurida
Oedemera lurida
Dasytes aeratus
Common Carpet Beetle
Eurasian Running Crab Spider
Common Flowerbug
Common Pollen Beetle
Mining Bees
Black Garden Ant
Common Pollen Beetle
Common Pollen Beetle
Long-winged Conehead
Rhododendron Leafhopper
Dasytes aeratus
Confusing Furrow Bee
Lygus pratensis
Common Green Capsid
Phaenops cyanea
Common Green Capsid
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Goldenrod Crab Spider
Byturus ochraceus
Byturus ochraceus
Leucophora obtusa
Western Honey Bee
Forest Cockroach
Lesser House Fly
Oedemera virescens
Dark-winged Sweat Bee
Window Gnat
Byturus ochraceus
Daffodil Leaf-beetle
Dark-winged Sweat Bee
Common Globetail
Western Honey Bee
Black-backed meadow ant
Sloe Bug
Byturus ochraceus
Long-winged Conehead
Red-barbed Ant
Hop-garden Earwig
Common Pollen Beetle
Variable Duskyface Fly
Diamondback Moth
Locomotive Grasshopper
Cabbage Stem Weevil
belted click beetle
Thick-legged Hover Fly
Common Flesh Fly
Common House Fly
Thick-legged Hover Fly
Dasytes aeratus
Black Gnat
Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle
Chrysanthia viridissima
Golden Dung Fly
Anaspis frontalis
Trombidium holosericeum
Tipula confusa
Golden Dung Fly
Oedemera podagrariae
White-lipped Blood Bee
Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle
Ancistronycha tigurina
Nut Weevil
Common Green Capsid
Three Spotted Nettle Bug
Common Saw Bush-cricket
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Common Saw Bush-cricket
Cross Orbweaver
Eustalomyia hilaris
Speckled Bush-cricket
Green Dock Beetle
Blue-tailed Damselfly
Mint beetle
Green Shield Bug
Marbled White
Black-striped Longhorn Beetle
Mexican Grass-carrying Wasp
Black-backed meadow ant
Malachite Beetles
variable longhorn beetle
Empis livida
Large White
Black-backed meadow ant
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Large White
Sloe Bug
Oedemera femorata
Green Dock Beetle
Black-horned Gem Fly
Crepidodera aurea
Green Dock Beetle
Tree Snipefly
Brown Tree Ant
Mint beetle
Black Slip Wasp
Tree Snipefly
Mint beetle
Common Nettle Flower Bug
Mint beetle
Southern Oak Bush-cricket
Great Green Bush-cricket
Phyllotreta nigripes
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Trigonotylus ruficornis
Common Green Capsid
Suillia variegata
Cucumber Green Spider
Marbled White
Dasytes aeratus
Common Malachite-beetle
Spotted Longhorn Beetle
Anaspis frontalis
Psallus varians
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
Meadow Plant Bug
Marmalade Hover Fly
Common Flesh Fly
Lomatia lateralis
Variable Duskyface Fly
Dock Bug
Dock Leaf Bug
Common Winter Damselfly
Common Red Soldier Beetle
Byturus ochraceus
Pine Ladybird
Clytra laeviuscula
Asian Lady Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
Kidney-spot Ladybird
Silver Y
Sloe Bug
Sloe Bug
Black-shouldered Shieldbug
Dicyphus errans
Common Red Soldier Beetle
Common Red Soldier Beetle
Black Garden Ant
Black Garden Ant
Marmalade Hover Fly
Grüne Distelwanze
Apolygus lucorum
Western Honey Bee
Marmalade Hover Fly
Wheat Bulb Fly
European Striped Shield Bug
Western Honey Bee
Common Flesh Fly
Common European Greenbottle Fly
Graue Fleischfliege
Graue Fleischfliege
western honey bee
Apolygus lucorum
Lygocoris pabulinus
garden hammock spider
European paper wasp
Gemeine Breitstirnblasenkopffliege
Pria dulcamarae
common green capsid
garden bumblebee
Stomorhina lunata
western honey bee
Speckled Bush-cricket
Lindenius albilabris
flower crab spider
Gewöhnlicher Malven-Erdfloh
western honey bee
garden bumblebee
hornet mimic hoverfly
marmalade hoverfly
black garden ants
common pollen beetle
false blister beetle
flower crab spider
black garden ant
marmalade hoverfly
Graue Fleischfliege
Graue Fleischfliege
Dicyphus errans
European paper wasp
marmalade hoverfly
speckled bush-cricket
European paper wasp
hornet mimic hoverfly
garden bumblebee
marmalade hoverfly
Graue Fleischfliege
common red soldier beetle
red-legged shieldbug
green shield bug
red-legged shieldbug
Psylliodes chalcomerus
speckled bush-cricket
Lygocoris pabulinus
Braune Wegameise
Gemeine Wiesenwanze
Gemeine Wiesenwanze
European tarnished plant bug
European tarnished plant bug
Apolygus lucorum
Rotbärtige Sklavenameise
green rose chafer
Another common red soldier beetle
common drone fly
common green bottle fly
Schwarzer Weidenblattkäfer
marmalade hoverfly
Flower crab spider
Common green capsid
Garden bumblebee
Alfalfa leafcutting bee
Marmalade hoverfly
Gemeiner Langbeinkäfer
Lucerne bugs
Marmalade hoverfly
Sharp-collared furrow bee
Shrill carder bee
southern bronze furrow bee
Mirid Bug
black-backed meadow ant and ladybird
Black-backed meadow ant
Sloe bug
Wood ant
Gemeiner Scheinbockkäfer
Glänzende Weichwanze
Gefurchter Dickmaulrüssler
Rotbärtige Sklavenameise
Red-legged shieldbug
Common red soldier beetle
Brown marmorated stink bug
Common winter damselfly
Variabler Stubbenbock
Rhododendron leafhopper
Stomorhina lunata
Gemeine Wiesenwanze
Little house fly
Green shield bug
Nut weevil
Arma custos
Nördliche Fruchtwanze
ant damsel bug
Hidden observer
European paper wasp
Graugrüner Schenkelkäfer
European paper wasp
Graugrüner Schenkelkäfer
Hornet mimic hoverfly
Crying fly
Flesh fly
Sharp-collared furrow bee
Sturmia bella
Stomorhina lunata
Sturmia bella
Liorhyssus hyalinus
Sharp-collared furrow bee
Rhopalus parumpunctatus
Flower crab spider
Graugrüner Schenkelkäfer
Liorhyssus hyalinus
Gorse shield bug
22-spot ladybird
Shrill carder bee
Black garden ant
Seven-spot ladybird
Bramble Sawfly
Marbled White
Marbled White
Blue mint beetle
European beewolf
European beewolf
Chrysis ignita
European beewolf
Hover fly on cornflower
Golden digger wasp
Marmalade hoverfly
Garden bumblebee
Garden bumblebee
Green Dock Beetle